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St Andrew's Church School

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Marking and Feedback 

• Verbal feedback is given to the pupils during the lesson, where possible. Marking follows the Marking and Feedback Policy.  

• In the majority of sessions, pupils should be given time to correct any errors using their purple polishing pens. 

• Pupils can work in pairs to discuss check answers and reflect together on why they may be different.  



• The assessment of children’s learning in mathematics is on-going and informs planning and teaching daily.  

• Teachers regularly record assessments on the school data system Scholar Pack (formative).  

• At the end of each term assessment judgements for each child in Years 1 to Year 6 are entered onto Scholar Pack (summative).  

• In EYFS judgements are made against the Early Learning Goals and evidence is recorded both in their learning journey files and on Tapestry. The teacher gains an in-depth knowledge of each child through observation. 

• Standardised tests (PUMA) are carried out termly to inform and support teachers with the next steps for pupils.  

• End of unit reviews/White Rose end of unit block assessments can be used to enable teachers to assess children alongside their ongoing formative assessment. 
