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What is Autism?

The 'Coke Bottle' Effect

Does your child come home from school and explode with the Delayed effect and after school meltdown? Is your child angry and stressed? Teachers do parents tell you their child has out bursts at home that you do not see in school? This is why.

Amazing Things Happen - by Alexander Amelines

Professional category finalistAlexander's film gives an uplifting introduction to autism for young non-autistic audiences, aiming to raise awareness, underst...

6 Common Autism Behaviors | Autism

Full Playlist: Symptoms & BehaviorsSo what are some of the common behaviors se...

Click on the link below to watch see a powerpoint on strategies to help children with ASD

Sesame Street: Meet Julia (Full Clip | 10 Min)

Meet Julia, an old buddy of Elmo's and the newest friend on Sesame Street. Julia has autism...and she and Elmo share an amazing friendship.Subscribe to the Ses...

Who can I contact? Where can I go for more information or support?

  1. School: SENDCO -

  2. Your Doctor

  3. Autism Somerset CIC - Autism, Special Education, Autism Spectrum

  4. Services for Families - Child Autism UK - releasing potential 

  5. Autism and ADHD Pathway (

  6. Outside in:
