Assessment Data
2023/2024 Outcomes
Attainment at the end of KS2
Age Related Expectation Attainment
- The proportion of pupils achieving the expected standard in Reading was below national (59% compared to 74% nationally = -15%)
- The proportion of pupils achieving the expected standard in Writing was below national (41% compared to 72% nationally = -31%)
- The proportion of pupils achieving the expected standard in Maths was below national (59% compared to 73% nationally = -14%)
- The proportion of pupils achieving the expected standard in SPAG was below national (59% compared to 72% nationally = -13%)
- The proportion of pupils achieving the expected standard the end of KS2 in Reading, Writing and Maths combined was below National (38% compared to 61% nationally = -23%)
Greater Depth Attainment
- The proportion of pupils achieving Greater Depth in Reading was below national (15% compared to 28% nationally = -13%)
- The proportion of pupils achieving Greater Depth in Writing was below national (6% compared to 13% nationally = -7%)
- The proportion of pupils achieving Greater Depth in Maths was below national (12% compared to 24% nationally = -12%)
- The proportion of pupils achieving Greater Depth in SPAG was below national (18% compared to 32% nationally = -14.0%)
Progress at the end of KS2
- Reading progress score -5.3
- Writing progress score -3.3
- Maths progress score -5.5
Attainment at the end of Year 1 Phonics
- The proportion of pupils achieving the expected standard in the Year 1 Phonics screening was below National (76% compared to 80% nationally = -4%)
(SPAG = Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)