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St Andrew's Church School

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Subject lead - Maria Sadler

Link Governor -  Claire Owen

What skills do I develop when I learn languages?

Intent of the Languages Curriculum at St Andrew’s

Our French Curriculum provides pupils with the key skills for learning any Modern Foreign Language. It equips pupils with an appreciation of diversity and a willingness to communicate effectively and compassionately with those in our School Community, and beyond. It provides pupils with a wider global perspective, encouraging and empowering them to explore the languages and cultures of the wider world. At St Andrew’s we want our pupils to be both interested and excited about languages, thus creating a distinctively Christian ethos that welcomes and values all.


Implementation of the Languages Curriculum at St Andrew’s

Exposure to Modern Foreign Languages at St Andrew’s happens from Reception and Key Stage 1 through:

  • Display resources in the classrooms
  • An annual School-wide enrichment day/week which focuses on language and culture
  • A church ethos and school value system that teaches respect for all
  • Classroom library resources in different languages


During Key Stage 2, pupils follow a carefully designed Language Angels scheme for French, which enables the pupils to learn the key strands of the Language Curriculum: Speaking and listening, Reading, Writing, Knowledge about languages and Knowledge about Culture. These are taught through a structured set of Language Angels Units which allow all pupils to progress from Early Language Units, through Intermediate and on to Progressive Language Units. Class displays will support current French learning and MFL books will record pupils’ progress, as well as provide a frame of reference for pupils to refer back to in order to strengthen recall of prior learning.


Language Acquisition is taught through Language Angels songs, which allow pupils to join in, and engage in Verbal French without feeling ‘put on the spot.’ All pupils have home access to songs and games to allow further consolidation and enjoyment of language learning.

Language Angels lessons include a variety of fully differentiated tasks ranging from:


  • Songs, role Play and interactive games
  • Speech bubble conversations
  • Written activities- e.g. writing sentences, paragraphs, emails or letters in French
  • Listening tasks


Pupils will be further challenged through using their language more spontaneously in class, or through cross-curricular activities and Year 6 will have the opportunity to plan and lead a Whole School enrichment event, enabling them to consolidate their Primary learning, present orally and inspire younger pupils in their language learning.

MFL in action at St Andrew's
