Subject lead - Louise Hampshire
Link governor - Steve Hubbard
Our Curriculum Intent:
At St Andrew's Church School, we want our children to develop a love of science and an enthusiasm for finding out about the world. We want children to leave our school, not only with a secure base of scientific knowledge, but also being inspired to be the scientists of the future.
Our Science curriculum aims to prepare children for their experiences of the wider world. Therefore, we strive to ensure the lessons we deliver, cover the three aims of the Science National Curriculum so that pupils understand the science and have the skills to engage with the knowledge and recognise where it fits in the wider world. We believe in the curious child and encourage our children to ponder, ask questions and find out answers to big questions for themselves, reflecting on that which they have discovered. The knowledge they acquire is deepened through the use of essential scientific enquiry skills and working scientifically is a core feature of our science curriculum.
Children tackle problems, forming questions, generating and testing ideas and designs and deciding how to seek solutions. They gather and make sense of evidence, test out hypotheses and evaluate processes and outcomes. They learn the possibilities of science, design and technology, inspiring them to become the scientists, engineers, designers and innovators of the future and how to be informed citizens responsive to the needs of others and the world in which they live.
Children at St Andrew's Church School will also experience a wide range of enrichment opportunities including: trips, visitors and experiences related to science, as well as opportunities within Forest school as an extension of the classroom, as opportunities for bringing Science to life. In addition to this, we have a themed Science week every year – which allows the children to work collaboratively within all year groups to explore and investigate in specific areas. Also, we have invited Fizz Pop to run Science club to further enhance and enrich the Science opportunities for the children at our school.
What is a Scientist? Can you think about what makes you a Scientist and fill in the blank squares with your ideas?
STEAM week 2023
STEAM fair 2023
The Life Cycle of a Plant