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What is Dyscalculia?

Understanding Dyscalculia: Symptoms Explained

Dyscalculia may not sound familiar, but this math learning difference may be quite common, says our expert. Watch this video to learn more about dyscalculia ...

Dyscalculia: Early Warning Signs and Symptoms

Learn more about dyscalculia: is a learning disability associated with mathem...

Living With Dyscalculia (It's Not Just "Number Dyslexia")

Josie was diagnosed with Dyscalculia when she was 19. Dyscalculia is often described as "number dyslexia" but it's not quite as simple as that. It can affect...

Who can I contact? Where can I go for more information or support?

  1. School: SENDCO -


  3. The dyscalculia information center:

  4. The dyscalculia facebook support page UK:
