Year 6
Welcome to Year 6!
Welcome to Year 6!
What better way to introduce you to Year 6, than by hearing from the children themselves! Here is what they think of being in Stag Class:
“Although Year 6 sounds scary, as it’s the last year of Primary School, it is one of the best school years you could have. It is hard work, but it comes with lots of fun activities.”
“In Year 6, the work is hard, but also fun and we have more opportunities such as Charterhouse, Bikeability and the WWYD? Project. You also feel like a role model; there are more chances to help around school such as being a House Captain or School Council rep.”
“This is the last year at St. Andrew’s Church School, but it is also the best year. With some amazing teachers- the year is going to fly by!”
“Even though there are some challenges in Year 6, it is fun, and entertaining- you will never get bored! Going to Charterhouse is rewarding and this year is the time for you to stand up for your school and contribute many things.”
Year 6 Leaver Polo shirts and Hoodies
Each year, our Stag class pupils have personalised Leavers’ polo shirts which they proudly wear throughout the Summer Term. We would like to do the same this year, as it gives the children a different identity for their last term at St Andrew’s, rather than just wearing normal uniform.
Polo shirts and Hoodies are navy blue, with school logo on the front and children's first names will appear with in the number 23 on the back.
Please click on the link to make your selection: Year 6 Leavers and Hoodies
Please complete the form by Monday 6th March 2023. Once we have received all forms, we will process payments on to Parent Pay for you complete your order.